Thursday, August 23, 2012

The First Minute of Midnight

She was hard at work on a night shift, just going over the usual work errands. Tomorrow will be unlike the rest of the year. It's a step further into the book. She had a jacket on as the night grew weary and the air drop a few more Centigrade. She picks up her phone to check her message and sent an sms back. Clients were already coming in an out of her office. It was a fairly busy day. Then her phone alert went off  again. As she read the message her face was painted with confusion, forehead is frowned and her eyebrows met. Her eyes wide open. Then she stood up, quite in a haste, and excused herself from a chum and went outside.

She went straight to the parking lot and a familiar face paved light to the vehicle. As she come nearer she could clearly see his face now, smiling, all dressed up with a small chocolate cake on one hand. He reached down his pocket to grab a lighter. "Hi!" he said. Then he gave light to both candles and drew the cake closer to her. "Make a wish." he invited. She replied with a smile, brought her hands together and closed her eyes and whispered to herself a prayer. He patiently waited as he pleasantly watched the candles illuminate her face. The she blew the candles for a hopeful wish. He reached on his back pockets and took out three long stemmed red roses and handed them to her as he simultaneously gave her a soft warm kiss on the check. "Happy Birthday!".he soflty speaks.

It was midnight.

Then they went inside the car to show her something. The backseats were filled with presents. "These are all for you. " he said. They embraced and exhanged smiles. Then parted ways again.

So this was the first minute.

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