Sunday, March 16, 2008


Here are a few shots of what my new hobby is like... =' ) So I didn't have any interest in the fish world then. But most people at work have pet fishes. They keep urging me to be one of them "fisher-men". So I did try. Now? I have three aquariums. *hekhek* You guys should try this. "Pawala sa stress" as my barkada once told me. I cant disagree.
That lone fish on the topmost is the now-popular flowerhorn. This is a must have for fish enthusiast. Then I have the funny, goofy gold fishes, of different varieties like the red cap, black moore, rayukin, bubble eye, telescopic eye, etc... They're fun to watch but they eat a lot, so they shit a lot. But I don't mind. =' ) Then lastly are the tiny breed of fish (gupy, glass fish, tiger barb) This has got to be my favorite. I dont know why. It just is. hehe

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